8051 based dual serial I/F controller
After some time of inactivity in the HW area, I went back to the BCC-52 and started to look for more 8052 information. WHile doing this, I came around www.pjrc.com and its advanced 8051 based prototyping boards.
I also found embedded Pascal for the 8051/8052, a nice compiler for 8051 CPUs and started to experiment with the HW/SW combination.
The biggest achievment for me was to sucessfully port Adam Dunkel's TCP/IP stack uip onto the board running the PPP protocol over one of the RS232 ports.
The big challenge for me was that it is written in C and this project was effectively my first attempt to become familiar with that language. I used the DDS Micro-C Compiler from www.dunfield.com which proved best compatibility to the uIP source code.