<h1>Software projects</h1>
<p>All my software projects started out either driven by my curiosity for something, or because I needed some functions I could not find elsewhere (or did not like to pay the price for it).</p>
<p>A large amount of software was written in Turbo Pascal and its successor, Delphi. Some PC-based tools were written in Turbo-Assembler. Much later, I started to program in &quot;C&quot;, and was driven there by porting the &quot;uip&quot; TCP/IP stack to an 8051 based system.</p>
<p>Besides using various assemblers (8080, Z80, 8051, AVR), I found a couple of Pascal compilers for these CPUs but do most of my projects in &quot;C&quot; today. SDCC (for Z80 and 8051) and GCC (for AVR or ARM) became very valuable tools.</p>